Dedication to Joey Scouts rewarded with Silver Kangaroo
Published Wed 21 Aug 2024
Parents who volunteer with Scouts get more out of it than they could ever imagine.
That’s the belief of Leonie Plummer, one of six Silver Kangaroo recipients from NSW in this year’s Scouts Australia Adult Recognition Awards.
The Silver Kangaroo is one of the highest accolades in Scouts, awarded to active Leaders for exceptional service and a highly valued contribution to Scouts over a long period of time.
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Leonie has been a dedicated and passionate Joey Scout Leader at 1st Carlingford Scout Group for 32 years and also served as the District Joey Scout Leader for Parramatta District for nearly 10 years, stepping aside in 2023 to enable her to also act as the Leader in Charge for her Group.
“I joined in 1992 after a meeting of interested parents about the opening of Joey Scouts at 1st Carlingford Scout Group,” she said. “At the time, Joey Scouts was the newest section and I had sons aged six and eight. I had just started working full-time teaching after an eight-year gap in my career.
“I knew the benefits of Scouting as I had been a Girl Guide and achieved my Queen’s Guide Award. I had been a Guide Leader, as well as the Region Camping Adviser.”
Leonie is a passionate supporter of helping our littlest Scouts, aged 5 to 8, achieve their best. In particular, she has supported many young people in achieving their Joey Scout Challenge Awards, especially during the transition years to the new program.
“I enjoy seeing new Joey Scouts gain confidence and learn leadership skills,” she said.
“Seeing them take on the role of leading their Adventurous Journey and hear their reflection of their time in Scouts is enlightening.
View the full list of recipients
“We make sure all our Joey Scouts have the opportunity to reach the peak award. Many families treat Scouting as a once-a-week activity for an hour, so we provide a balanced program with lots of opportunities to assist and lead, as well as making sure we include Outdoor Adventure Skills. We complete Special Interest Areas together after we have had a Unit Council. We use the Joeys’ ideas and help them make goals together.
“By using Scout | Terrain, we are able to assist each individual with inputting data and tracking their progress. Sometimes it means we need to work with them in small groups. When it comes to the Adventurous Journey, we take them on their practice walk to plan and complete their personal reflection at the conclusion.
“Yes, it is more work for the Leaders, but at least we are able to give all our Joeys the chance to achieve.”
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However, Leonie’s focus is not only on the young members of her Group. She is also dedicated to supporting her adult volunteers in achieving their goals. She is an enthusiastic mentor for new Leaders in the Group and District and is willing to share her strategies with other Groups.
“I meet regularly with Leaders who have joined our Leader Team to discuss their progress and email them to give them encouragement to complete their training modules,” she said. “We are a large team, which means we share the workload. Each Leader brings a different set of skills and we assist them to grow as a Leader.”
Assistant Joey Scout Leader Jorja Baker first met Leonie when her daughter started in Joey Scouts.
“I sat in awe of this woman who was completely engrossed in a program she’s written,” she said. “The 20 Joey Scouts were having a fantastic time running around and making as much noise as possible.
“After a few months of Leonie suggesting I become a Leader, I agreed. If I’m honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I wasn’t worried at all because I trusted Leonie completely and that she would guide me. Leonie has always been incredibly generous with her time and knowledge. Nothing is a problem and one day I hope to be as wonderful a Leader as Leonie is.
“Never did I expect that I would get as much out of Scouting as my daughter! Over the years we have developed a lovely friendship and spent many hours together bush walking, chatting and enjoying Scouting together. This award is incredibly well deserved.”
Leonie is proud of her three generations of Scouting members, with her sons and grandsons involved in the Movement. She encourages family involvement with all members in the Group, embracing the philosophy that by being connected and involved, members will contribute in any way they can.
“To anyone considering joining Scouts, I would say you might think you are joining for your children’s benefit, but you will actually get more out of it for yourself than you imagine,” she said.
“You will form friendships that will last a lifetime and develop skills you never dreamed of. You will have fun!
“Having a great team of Leaders around you makes the role so much easier. Teamwork makes the dream work and I have a great team around me.”