Are Scouts in Australia and Scotland the same?

Published Wed 28 Aug 2024

A visit to Scotland may not have resulted in a sighting of Nessie for Scouts NSW’s youth ambassador, but it did see new international friendships made.

Amelia Moran, from 1st Castle Hill Scout Group, visited Inverness, Scotland, on a family holiday. She was fortunate enough to spend a day with the 18th Inverness Sea Scouts at their “hut” on the edge of the Caledonian Canal at Clachnaharry. The waterway stretches 100km through Scotland from Clachnaharry (part of Inverness) to Loch Linnhe and the sea, via Loch Dochfour, Loch Ness, Loch Oich and Loch Lochy.


A special visit was planned by the Leaders Alexander Fraser and Jimmy Riddle, with a mid-summer day on the water – even though it was raining and cold.

“The Inverness Scouts were keen to know what I did each week,” Amelia said. “I am a Venturer Scout here, but I would be called an Explorer in the UK. I learned that where we learn hiking and bushcraft skills, the 18th Inverness Scouts learn how to sail as well as their camping skills. They told me that the next week they would be sailing down the Caledonian Canal to a campsite!”

As 18th Inverness is a Sea Scout Group, most of their activities involve water. Amelia and her parents were fitted with wetsuits and life jackets, before Alexander took them all out in a power boat, accompanied by the Sea Scouts.

“After explaining the basics, he let me take control in the small harbour,” she said. “Along the way, everyone pointed out interesting things along the edge of the harbour.

“We also went canoeing up the canal, under bridges to the edge of the lock where we played a canoe version of ‘piggy in the middle’, throwing balls to each other while trying not to end up in the water ourselves. We were also able to see how the lock worked to allow large boats to travel the canal.”

Participating in a 18th Inverness Sea Scout tradition for new members – a brisk dip in the 8C water! – the Scouts wrapped up a day of Scottish summer day fun. By exchanging gifts – Scouts NSW water bottles, 1st Castle Hill Scout Group and World Scout Jamboree badges from Amelia and a boxed 18th Inverness scarf, flag and pin from her Scottish peers – both Groups will now have a piece of Scouting from across the world.

Amelia said it was an amazing experience and she returned to Australia with great memories.

“I have discovered for myself that Scouts are alike, and yet a little bit different, all over the world,” she said. “We have a common connection through a love of sharing adventure and friendship, and this unites us all.


“It is true that Scouting is having friends all over the world that you just haven’t met yet. Even now, I am working with Lucas from 18th Inverness on part of his Chief Scout Award, and we’re learning more about each other’s Scouting experiences. This way, there’s a little bit of Castle Hill in Inverness, and a little bit of Inverness in Castle Hill.

"I am so grateful to Alexander and Jimmy for all their working organising a great day, and to all the 18th Inverness Sea Scouts for making us feel so welcome.”


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