Adult Recognition Awards nominations open

Published Mon 04 Nov 2024

It is time to recognise some of the most valuable Scout Leaders in your life by nominating them for the 2025 Scouts Australia Adult Recognition Awards!


ARAs are awarded to active Adult Leaders, Rover Scouts and other adult members and supporters who have given valuable service to Scouts Australia over an extended period. Such awards are granted for sustained commitment to the Association, both within and beyond the designated roles and responsibilities for these members.

These awards recognise our volunteers for going above and beyond the call of duty. Anyone can submit a nomination and any adult member can be nominated, including Leaders, Supporters, Rovers and employees.

This year to make the process easier and ensure nominators have provided all the relevant information for their submission, nominations can be submitted online.


There are 10 different categories in the ARAs – check the category criterion and guidelines for each award here. This will help you to ensure your proposed nominee is eligible prior to creating your submission.

If you have problems with the portal, a paper version of both the ARA and the Rover Service Award nomination forms are available on the Scouts NSW website, but please try submitting them via the online form.


Looking for some inspiration on who to nominate? Check below:

ARA winners 2024

Dedication to Joey Scouts rewarded with Silver Kangaroo

Scouting couple's Silver Kangaroo legacy


Submissions are open now

The 2025 ARA recipients will be announced on 1 August 2025.

If you have any problems or questions, email


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