The NSW Lones Scout Group offers Scouting to young people who cannot get along to a regular Scout Group every week.

The NSW Lone Scout Group (often referred to as Lones) is an NSW State Resource that services the needs of youth where isolation, transportation, disabilities, parental work commitments and other factors prevent them from participating in normal Scout Group activities on a regular basis.

If you are someone who is interested in joining Scouts but is limited by the aforementioned roadblocks, Lones is here to still give you the Scouting experience, no matter your situation or location.

Please note there is a strict set of criteria that each applicant must meet in order to join the NSW Lones Scout Group. It is also expected that a youth member would join or re-join a regular Scout Group should their circumstances change i.e., a change in location.

Click here to read about becoming a member of Scouts NSW.

Register with the NSW Lones Scout Group here


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