Our Youth Journey

Our exciting, modern, youth-focused program encourages young people to develop at their own pace by leading, assisting and participating in a broad range of activities and adventures designed to spark their curiosity and inspire growth.

Want to be a Scout? Find your local group.

Our Safeguarding Committment Statement

Scouts NSW is committed to safeguarding youth in our care. We are committed to creating an environment where all our members feel safe, supported and protected. Every young person has the right to feel safe and be safe.

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An apology to Scouts NSW
Scouts NSW
Former Scouts NSW member Grant De Fries has issued an apology to the Chief Executive Officer Carolyn Campbell, Chief Commissioner Lloyd Nurthen and former Chair of the Scouts NSW Board of Directors Kerry McGoldrick.
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Step behind the doors of a $2 million renovation
activity centres
Step behind the doors of the $2 million renovation to the 95-year-old Baden-Powell Activity Centre.
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South Coast and Tablelands celebrate centenary of Scouting
South Coast and Tablelands
More than 350 Scouts and adult volunteers spent the long weekend challenging themselves physically and mentally at South Coast and Tablelands Region's Jamborette.
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